It’s been a little while since I wrote here; Saturday night was The Big Lick, before which, I spent most of the day rebuilding the site with an all new theme and some new functionality and I’m really happy with how it’s looking. Check out the site for Essex’s leading rock club night here – The Lick wasn’t a bad one, a little quieter than usual and absolutely bloody freezing in the club, however in retrospect, I’m not sure that it was the club or the virus that was building its way up.
I got in and couldn’t stop shivering and the next morning, that was it. I was sick. A combination of switching between hot and cold and a horrible cough and that’s unfortunately lasted most of the week. I even had a couple of days off work and that’s something that really doesn’t happen very often.
When I’ve not been in bed, seeing the equally-sickly girlfriend or at work, I’ve been trying to get up and running. This blog will be migrating over there in the not too distant future – at least it will if I can ever get the bloody hosting to work properly. I have shared hosting with a UK-based provider (UK-based hosting is a good thing for a UK-centric domain – that’s today’s SEO tip) and for some reason, actually getting the three sites I want to host with these guys to their service has taken an age (had to do some things I’ve never had to do when moving domains from 123-reg, from whom I always buy my domains) and now getting them set up with cPanel and FTP details is turning into a pain. I’ll probably cancel it and go with someone else over the next couple of days – all I need is someone who doesn’t put a limit on how many domains you can host and make it easy to move domains onto the hosting and make it work. That’s all I need – functionality and simplicity at a decent price.
So that’s my hosting tale of woe out of the way; if anyone’s got any suggestions, please feel free to send them my way. You’ll get a shoutout and a link for the keyword of your choice if your suggestion pans out. Can’t say fairer than that.
Apart from that, because most of this week’s been spent sick in bed, there’s not really much to report from the internet marketing trenches, aside from a warning: DO NOT BUY ASDA TUMBLERS. I found this out the hard way the other day when I was washing up – I picked one up, only for it to shatter in my hand and cut my finger open. It wasn’t fun and it simply shouldn’t have happened – it’s not like I’ve got the grip of the Hulk or anything.
That’s about it, really. Been sick, hosting sucks and Asda glasses will try to kill you.