I am victorious – the hosting war appears to be over and ben-johnston.co.uk is finally in existence. I wouldn’t recommend looking at it just yet; it’s just a holding page and said holding page is about as SEO’d up as a chicken (no redirects? What was I thinking?) but there’s meta data, a little bit of content and a crappy picture on there. Ultimately, I just want to leave this page up for a couple of weeks while Google works out that the domain exists and isn’t a spam site so that when I do migrate this blog over there, it’s all good from a search engine’s perspective. I’m doing a couple of things here and there to speed up the verification process such as Webmaster Tools implementation and putting a couple of links to it from trusted domains, so hopefully it’ll get picked up soon and I can continue filling the webtarnets with my pointless drivel, albeit with a bit more freedom of things like layouts and such forth.
You know you’re serious about blogging and/ or your job when everything you do is done with Google in mind.
So that’s what’s going on with the blog – WordPress.com has another couple of weeks of my ramblings and then we’re moving offsite with a WordPress.org setup. I did think about maybe having a go with another CMS like Joomla, but with the amount of posts I’ve got stored here, it made sense to stick with WordPress.
There have been a couple of new updates made to MakeSenseOfThis, mostly cosmetically. I’ve given it a new theme and wrote a new post yesterday; I’m still trying to keep up with the linking that I need to do for it and with Christmas coming up and me spending an increasing amount of time out of the flat and away from this PC, not as much as I’d like is getting done on it. I think if maybe I set the WordPress app on my phone up to work with it, there would be more posts on it. That’s where most of the content here comes from, afterall.
Anyway, I’m going to limit my typing tonight since it’s all far too boring to talk about and my hand’s still killing me. There will be something interesting to talk about soon, I promise.