To quote the esteemed Peter Griffin, you know what really grinds my gears? When much of my morning reading of SEO, copywriting and social media resources is spent on articles about ‘exciting new startups’ that will probably never see the light of day. These days, everyone seems to be in the process of setting up the next big thing, if only they could just finish building their website.
Of course, by the time half of these ‘cutting edge startups’ finally get going, their product turns out to be a third rate version of something that first surfaced and failed in the late ‘90’s, but a good holding page can sometimes be all they need to get their fifteen minutes of fame, and that’s exactly the thought process behind the new toy from the folks at Fireplace – the Random Startup Generator.
Having had a quick look at a few of the holding pages this program generates, it’s worrying how accurate it is compared to some of these pages where I just know that someone like me has pored over every single word of content and every pixel of the design. I guess the team behind forthcoming blogging social network Fireplace just know the startup industry (and holding page hell) inside and out.
Having played with it for far longer than I should have, I think this is a really fun diversion with an unnerving level of accuracy. It also prompted me to take a closer look at Fireplace and see what’s what. All in all, the Random Startup Generator is a fun toy to play with and it’s certainly an innovative way for the Fireplace team to spread the word about their startup.