Guest Blogging – Do You Give Your Best Post Or Sandbag?

Guest blogging is one of my favourite link acquisition methods, largely because I really enjoy writing and it just works. If you follow my Twitter stream, you’ll know that I wrote my first guest blog post in a while for a colleague’s site recently. It was called Ten Signs You Fail At Twitter, and you know what? I’m really proud of it.

The blog post was in depth, kind of funny and – I like to think, at least – offered some good advice to readers, particularly those who are new to Twitter. In short, I was quite proud of it, and that’s why I got to wondering whether other guest posters ever wish they’d kept these brilliant posts for their own sites rather than giving their good content away in exchange for a link or whatever the terms were. Personally speaking, although I’m more than happy for this post to go on this blog, I sometimes wish that all my work was on my site with my name on it, especially when it makes my Summify feed with my friend’s name on it saying he has a story for me.

Maybe that’s the thing about being a copywriter though, especially in the internet marketing game – your work ends up on someone else’s website or brochure or whatever and while people may go “Wow, that’s some awesome content right there”, your name might not be anywhere to be seen.

Honestly, this is probably an ego thing on my part, but I’d still be interested to see whether or not other bloggers feel the same. Do you sandbag in guest posts, doing just enough to get the link or the referral or do you do your best every time?

Leave me a comment, Tweet me or whatever if you’ve got feelings on this.